In the last lesson we learn about Countries and Nationalities, today we continue to introduce one's nationalities in Chinese

我是美国人。 Wǒ shì Měiguórén. I am American.
你是美国人吗? Nǐ shì Měiguórén ma? Are you American?
他是中国人。Tā shì Zhōngguórén. He is Chinese.
他是中国人吗? Tā shì Zhōngguórén ma? Is he Chinese?
她是德国人。Tā shì Déguórén. She is German.
你们是印度人吗?Nǐmen shì Yìndùrén ma? Are you all Indian?
他们是英国人。 Tāmen shì Yīngguórén. They are English.

A: 他是中国人吗?/Tā shì Zhōngguórén ma?/ Is he Chinese?
B: 不是, 他是中国人. / bú shì,Tā bú shì Zhōngguórén/ No, He is not Chinese.

Note: 是 means yes, 不是 means no, not

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