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- Learn Chinese Vowels pronunciation
Here are the single and double vowels in Chinese
a - as the vowel in "bar" without the "r" sound
o - as the vowel in "poor"
e - as the vowel in "per"
i - as the vowel in "sit"
u - as the vowel in "flood"
ϋ - Try it in practise section
ai - as the vowel in "mike"
ei - as the vowel in "bake"
ui - Try it in practise section
ao - as the vowel in "shout"
ou - as the vowel in "bow"
iu - Try it in practise section
ie - combination of 'i' and 'e', as the vowel in "vierra"
ue - combination of 'u' and 'e', as the vowel in "buena"
er - combination of 'e' and 'r', as the vowel in "early"
an - as the vowel in "anchor"
en - as the word "earn" without the "r" sound
in - as in the word "inn"
un - Try it in practise section
ϋn - Try it in practise section
ang - as the word "shanghai"
eng - Try it in practise section
ing - as the vowel in "sing"
ong - Try it in practise section
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